The 15 wild Asian elephants are now wandering in the Hongta district of Yuxi, following a long journey from Yunnan province's southmost prefecture starting from April 16. As of Sunday morning, the elephants were 50 km from Kunming's Jinning district and 100 km from the downtown area of the provincial capital.自4月16日起,这15头亚洲野象从云南省最南端的县开始长途迁徙,目前在玉溪市红塔区境内,距离云南省省会昆明市晋宁区50公里,距离昆明市城区100公里。
亚洲象(Asian elephants)为我国一级重点保护野生动物(wild animals under first-class national protection),在世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录( the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species)中被列为“濒危物种”(endangered species),主要分布在云南普洱、西双版纳、临沧3个州市,是亚洲现存最大和最具代表性的陆生脊椎动物(terrestrial vertebrate),也是维持森林生态系统的“工程师”。
Monitoring images show that the herd includes six female adult elephants, three male adults, three sub-adults, and three cubs.监测显示,该象群由成年雌象6头、雄象3头、亚成体象3头、幼象3头组成。
我们知道这里的cub指的是大象“幼崽”,其实,这个词可以用来指代好几种动物的“幼崽”,比如:leopard(豹)、lion(狮子)、tiger(虎)、大熊猫(giant panda)等。此外,还有一些常见动物的“幼崽”表达方式,我们也来了解一下:
pig(猪)--piglet/ porkling / gilt
horse(马)--foal / colt / filly
The 15 roaming elephants have damaged 561,333 square meters of crops and caused financial losses of nearly 6.8 million yuan on their 400-km journey, but no deaths or injuries to local residents have been reported.在400多公里的迁徙途中,这15头象直接破坏农作物达561333平方米,初步估计直接经济损失近680万元,尚未接到人员伤亡报告。
Local authorities said it is rare for the giant animals to move so far northward from their traditional habitat. Precaution measures have been taken to prevent human-elephant conflict as the elephants may well stray into human settlements.当地政府表示,亚洲野象离开传统栖息地向北迁移这么远很罕见。当地已经采取预防措施,防止象群进入人类居住地引发人象冲突。
The provincial bureau of forestry and grassland said that it is a priority to protect the safety of both human beings and the elephants.
Police officers have been sent to escort the elephants. They are aided with 228 vehicles, four excavators and three unmanned aerial vehicles in case that they need to distance the animals with human settlements.
濒危物种 endangered species
极危物种 critically endangered species
易危物种 vulnerable species
陆生野生动物 wild terrestrial animals
水生动物 aquatic animals
家畜家禽 poultry and livestock
伴侣动物 companion animal
野生动物保护 wild animal protection
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)
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